Hai there! My name is 3loy / Midnight / Eloy / The artist fromerly known as D3rpk / whatever the kids are calling me these days. My preferred nouns are they/them, but she is also ok. If you wanna be funky, you can use the neos: star, tree, or galaxy too. I like cooking veggies, listening to weird music, technology, travel, languages, green social anarchy, gardening, playing musical insturments, making art, helping people, and yapping.
I'm from USA (but looking to gtfo right now in seach of a better life abroad.) I speak American English and Spanish (if you talk slow) but know many bits of other landuages in order by most to least proficient French, German, Swedish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese. I love learning about all the beautiful things and people the world has to offer. More on that on the Travel page.
I like writing music. My favourite genres broadly are rock, edm, and jazz although I like a wide variety of other music too. I have been playing guitar (electric/ & acoustic) since I was a sophomore in high school; was played the trombone from 5th to 9th grade as well too. I also like to sing and play other insturments too (bass guitar, ukulele, ocarina, piano, synth, trumpet, recorder, KAZOO, y mas). My published music can be explored on the music tab above if you're curious. I released many singles and my album on streaming through the aliases of 3loy and previously as D3rpk.
Not to sound preachy, but there are some things in this world I'd like to fix during my time here. More on that on the Activism tab above.
Special thanks to Neocities, the wonderful service that hosts my site. It's really important for free humans of the modern digital age to have their own free space online where they can be themselves authenticly. Platforms like Instagram can really limit artists' abililty to share whatever they want because they have to work through the algorhythims to reach an audience and avoid certain speech to avoid censorship. Most major social media platforms are guilty of this but if someone has their own website, they have absolute freedom and ultimate creativity.